Yes In My Back Yard

We are Mountain View YIMBY, advocating for more housing in our city and beyond. We are pro-housing activists fighting for more inclusive housing policies and a future of abundant housing in Mountain View. We drive policy change to increase the supply of housing at all levels and bring down the cost of living in our thriving city.

The San Francisco Bay Area is not “full” of too many people. It is full of opportunity to create a dynamic economy and housing market that work for everyone. The housing shortage is a political problem: Zoning and other restrictions have prevented construction of enough places for people to live. We want to fix this and make our community more welcoming and inclusive. Let’s legalize housing.

Support for AB 1401 Residential and commercial development - parking requirements

Dear Chair Friedman: On behalf of Mountain View YIMBY, I write to express our strong support for your Assembly Bill 1401 to eliminate local minimum parking requirements for both residential and commercial buildings. Mountain View YIMBY is a chapter of South Bay YIMBY are a group of people who live or work in the city of Mountain View and believe in increasing equitable access to the opportunities offered by this amazing city, and combating global warming through urbanization. [Read More]

Letter to Council on Strategic Plan

Dear Mayor Kamei and members of the council: Mountain View YIMBY, a local volunteer advocacy group, expresses enthusiastic support for the following potential projects to achieve the strategic priorities from the workplan in the staff report: 1.1 Hold a Study Session on a displacement response strategy and net loss; develop a work plan for any desired follow up actions. We support developing strategies and ordinances to help stem displacement in our community. [Read More]

Google North Bayshore announcement

Mountain View YIMBY welcomes the news, reported by the Mountain View Voice, that Google filed a preliminary plan for developing 120 acres of North Bayshore. This development will represent the culmination of a process that began in 2014 with the election of a pro-housing City Council, which revised the North Bayshore master plan in 2017. The 7,000 homes proposed for the Google property will fulfill most of the city’s goal of 9,850 homes in all of North Bayshore. [Read More]

Letter to Council - Density Bonus Ordinance

Dear Mayor Kamei and Members of the City Council, Mountain View YIMBY supports staff’s recommendation on Item 6.1 Density Bonus Ordinance, though we believe staff’s recommendation would be improved by slightly modifying §36.48.80(5)(d). City staff deserves credit for crafting such smart tweaks to the city’s density bonus law, as their tweaks would make our density bonus law clearer, simpler, and easier to administer. With these improvements, affordable homes can be built faster, and city staff will be freed up to spend more time on council’s legislative priorities. [Read More]

Letter to EPC - 555 West Middlefield Road Residential Project

To the Environmental Planning Commission: Mountain View YIMBY, a local volunteer advocacy group, expresses enthusiastic support for the proposed project at 555 West Middlefield. We like this project because: It is a no-displacement project that adds 329 new homes in place of surface parking! 15% of on-site below market rate homes! Walking distance to downtown, Caltrain, and a grocery store, and right next to Stevens Creek trail this site provides a great location to lead a car-free lifestyle to the residents. [Read More]

Letter to EPC - Google Middlefield Park Master Plan

To the Environmental Planning Commission: Mountain View YIMBY, a local volunteer advocacy group, expresses strong support for Google’s proposed Middlefield Park Master Plan. The opportunity to add 1,675 to 1,900 new homes, with a target of 20% below market rate makeup in a mixed-use setting, right next to jobs is quite exciting! This master plan has the potential to create a one-of-a-kind community that affords residents a car-free lifestyle and easy access to high paying tech jobs and their associated service jobs in Mountain View. [Read More]

Letter to Council - R3 Zoning Update

Dear Mayor Abe-Koga and Members of the City Council, Mountain View YIMBY would like to share our vision for Item 8.1 R3 Zoning District Update. Overall, we would like to see the city adopt changes to the R3 zoning that make it more flexible, feasible, and predictable in terms of both the total fees and timing of the process. We think this can be achieved via a form-based code. More specifically, we would like to see: [Read More]

Mountain View YIMBY bids farewell to Mayor Adrian Fine of Palo Alto

Mountain View YIMBY sends its regards to Mayor Adrian Fine of Palo Alto, who declined to seek re-election this year. Adrian, we wish you all the best in your future endeavors, and we will miss having you as an ally. We share the sentiments Adrian expressed in this interview with The Six Fifty in October. We appreciate the shout-out to our city of Mountain View, but we need to keep up the momentum and keep up the pressure on our neighboring cities to build more! [Read More]

Letter to Council - R3 Zoning Update

Dear Mayor Abe-Koga and Members of the City Council, Mountain View YIMBY would like to make comments about Item 3.1 Lot 12 Remaining Development Priorities. Since Lot 12 is owned by the city, it represents a finite and valuable resource.We think the city could make the best use of this opportunity by not limiting the number of units to 120. Furthermore, given the financial impact of COVID on future budgets and the increased risk of homelessness, we believe that the city should utilize Measure A funding sources to close the financial gap in Lot 12 funding and create much needed Permanently Supportive Housing and Rapid Rehousing infrastructure for the city. [Read More]

November 2020 Endorsements

We’ve completed our endorsement process. For Mountain View City Council, we’re endorsing Alex Nuñez Pat Showalter John Lashlee Sally Lieber Other Endorsements No on Measure C Yes on Prop 15 Mountain View City Council Alex Núñez Alex Núñez is a strong housing and anti-displacement advocate in Mountain View. He supports building affordable housing for low- and middle-income workers; exploring additional business taxes to support BMR construction; and a strong Right of Return policy coupled with No-Net-Loss development standards. [Read More]