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Mountain View YIMBY's 2022 Council Endorsements

Mountain View YIMBY is excited to share our full set of endorsements for this year’s City Council elections.

Lucas Ramirez, Alison Hicks, and Ellen Kamei


Mayor Lucas Ramirez got our early endorsement back in July. As we wrote back then, Lucas has been a strong advocate for adding more homes in Mountain View. He championed efforts to tackle the missing middle housing problem, supported a local SB 330 ordinance to prevent displacement, rent stabilization of Mountain View’s mobile home parks, and more! During his time on the council he voted for many housing projects. Check out our early endorsement post for all the details!


We strongly endorse Alison Hicks for re-election. With a background in urban planning, Alison is passionate about reimagining public spaces to be joyful places for public life, best exemplified by Castro’s new pedestrian plaza. Alison also has heartfelt commitment to our least-resourced neighbors, being a champion for RV safe parking, COVID-19 rent relief, and the extension of rent stabilization to mobile homes.

A consistent voice for reducing the jobs-housing imbalance in Mountain View, Alison supports transit-oriented development near the Downtown Caltrain station, reducing costly parking requirements, and increasing staff capacity so the city can process housing projects faster. Most impressively, even at council meetings where there’s loud opposition to housing, Alison remains firmly pro-housing because she knows the lack of homes is the root of displacement in our community.


We proudly endorse Ellen Kamei for re-election. Ellen has lived in Mountain View most of her life, but also brings the broader perspective that comes with having lived abroad. She also brings in extensive experience from her work in all levels of government.

Ellen supports making it easier to live in Mountain View without a car, as many residents already do. Ellen also supports state legislation that encourages cities to accept more homes, including Mountain View and our neighboring communities that are less housing-friendly.