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Letter to the Editor on Homekey projects

This letter was originally published in the Mercury News

I walk daily through our city of Mountain View, and daily I look into the eyes of a less fortunate human being who’s homeless.

My mind gets foggy thinking about the time I had depleted my bank account at the height of the pandemic. Not a single cent was left on the day I signed a job offer that allowed me to pay for rent and stay in Mountain View.

My mind falls into darkness thinking I could have been less lucky, and ended up in the street. Would I be mocked and ridiculed? Or would someone lend a hand?

The Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors lit a candle of hope by deciding to move the housing project Homekey forward.

On behalf of Mountain View YIMBY, thank you for showing that in Santa Clara County, we lend a hand.

Pablo Hernandez

Mountain View