To the Environmental Planning Commission:
Mountain View YIMBY, a local volunteer advocacy group, expresses strong support for Google’s proposed Middlefield Park Master Plan.
The opportunity to add 1,675 to 1,900 new homes, with a target of 20% below market rate makeup in a mixed-use setting, right next to jobs is quite exciting!
- This master plan has the potential to create a one-of-a-kind community that affords residents a car-free lifestyle and easy access to high paying tech jobs and their associated service jobs in Mountain View.
- The 10.5 acres of public parkland dedication will provide a pleasant place for the members of this community to destress and socialize.
- The $19M of community benefit package being offered in exchange for bonus FAR will be valuable to the city.
We also have some constructive feedback that we’d hope for you to take into consideration:
- The project as proposed will include more jobs than employed residents. As such, we would encourage and welcome an even denser residential component, feasibility permitting.
- It would be better if the 20% BMR units are built together with the rest of the residential buildings Google is proposing, as opposed to paid for with in lieu fees and a land dedication. We believe this would create a more equitable (and less socioeconomically segregated) neighborhood and ensure that these units are delivered at the same time as the rest.
- We’d like to urge the city to get clarity on the proposed development agreement from Google which requests a 20-year-long timeframe for building the project. 20 years is a very long time. We hope to see this master plan turned into reality as soon as possible!
We hope that you recommend a hasty approval of this project to the council!
Thank you for considering our input.
Best regards,
Pardis Beikzadeh
On behalf of the members of MV YIMBY