Yes In My Back Yard
We are Mountain View YIMBY, advocating for more housing in our city and beyond. We are pro-housing activists fighting for more inclusive housing policies and a future of abundant housing in Mountain View. We drive policy change to increase the supply of housing at all levels and bring down the cost of living in our thriving city.
The San Francisco Bay Area is not “full” of too many people. It is full of opportunity to create a dynamic economy and housing market that work for everyone. The housing shortage is a political problem: Zoning and other restrictions have prevented construction of enough places for people to live. We want to fix this and make our community more welcoming and inclusive. Let’s legalize housing.
Dear Assemblymember Chiu,
MV YIMBY as an organization that advocates for transit-oriented development would like to express our support for Assembly Bill 629, which implements key reforms and accountability measures to move toward an integrated, equitable, high ridership, and efficient public transit system in the Bay Area.
The challenges of navigating between 27 different transit operators in the Bay Area acts as a barrier for residents and visitors to adopt more sustainable forms of travel, and disproportionately burdens low income and vulnerable populations.
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EPC Public Hearing, May 19, Agenda Item 5.1 -- 400 Logue
Dear Chair Cranston and members of the EPC:
Mountain View YIMBY, a local volunteer advocacy group, expresses strong support for Miramar’s apartment project at 400 Logue Ave.
Please see the letter attached or the plain text version below.
This strategic location, in the thick of the East Whisman planning area and steps away from Middlefield light rail, is excellent for high-density housing. The 408 proposed new homes will help mitigate the jobs-housing imbalance of the adjacent Google Middlefield Park project.
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AB 946 Lee - Funding for First-Time Homebuyer Assistance - Support
Dear Assemblymember Alex Lee,
Mountain View YIMBY is proud to support AB 946, a bill that would reallocate $230 million from wasteful subsidies to purchase a second home to programs like the CalHFA MyHome Program, providing over 23,000 first-time homebuyers with down payment assistance.
Mountain View YIMBY is a chapter of South Bay YIMBY. We are a group of people who live or work in the city of Mountain View and believe in increasing equitable access to the opportunities offered by this amazing city, and combating global warming through urbanization.
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Support – SCA 2 – Public housing projects
Senator Allen,
I write on behalf of Mountain View YIMBY to support Senate Constitutional Amendment 2, which would repeal Article 34 of the California State Constitution.
Mountain View YIMBY is a chapter of South Bay YIMBY. We are a group of people who live or work in the city of Mountain View and believe in increasing equitable access to the opportunities offered by this amazing city, and combating global warming through urbanization.
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Welcome to the City of Mountain View!
Dear City Clerk Heather Glaser:
The Mountain View chapter of South Bay YIMBY would like to congratulate you on your recent appointment to the City Clerk position.
We are a group of people who live or work in the city of Mountain View and believe in increasing equitable access to the opportunities offered by this amazing city, and combating global warming through urbanization. We do so by advocating for construction of homes at all income levels - from supportive housing to market rate!
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R3 Zoning District Update
Dear Mayor Kamei and Members of the City Council,
Mountain View YIMBY would like to provide some comments for Item 3.1 R3 Zoning District Update.
To begin, we’d like to thank the city for hiring Opticos to carefully analyze the feasibility of multi-family development in Mountain View and applaud the city’s form-based approach. We believe that infill multi-family housing is necessary to achieve the city’s missing middle housing goals.
It is important to aim for a significant increase in new housing capacity because:
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SB 10 (Wiener) Local Control for Increased Housing Density - SUPPORT
Dear Senator Wiener,
I write on behalf of Mountain View YIMBY to support SB 10, which allows local governments a streamlined path to zone neighborhoods for gentle, middle income density — up to ten units per parcel — if they choose.
Mountain View YIMBY is a chapter of South Bay YIMBY. We are a group of people who live or work in the city of Mountain View and believe in increasing equitable access to the opportunities offered by this amazing city, and combating global warming through urbanization.
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SB 477 (Wiener) Housing Data Act - SUPPORT
Dear Senator Wiener,
I write on behalf of Mountain View YIMBY to support SB 477, which will require the state’s Department of Housing and Community Development to collect information from local governments about when state housing programs are used to support housing.
Mountain View YIMBY is a chapter of South Bay YIMBY. We are a group of people who live or work in the city of Mountain View and believe in increasing equitable access to the opportunities offered by this amazing city, and combating global warming through urbanization.
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SB 478 (Wiener) Housing Standards - SUPPORT
Dear Senator Wiener,
I write on behalf of Mountain View YIMBY to support SB 478, which will establish limits for floor area ratio regulations and minimum lot size regulations, putting guardrails on local governments’ ability to enact hyper-restrictive regulations.
Mountain View YIMBY is a chapter of South Bay YIMBY. We are a group of people who live or work in the city of Mountain View and believe in increasing equitable access to the opportunities offered by this amazing city, and combating global warming through urbanization.
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Support – SB 9 – Subdivisions - tentative maps.
Senator Atkins,
I write on behalf of Mountain View YIMBY to support SB 9, which will allow duplexes on lots currently zoned for single family use only in California.
Mountain View YIMBY is a chapter of South Bay YIMBY. We are a group of people who live or work in the city of Mountain View and believe in increasing equitable access to the opportunities offered by this amazing city, and combating global warming through urbanization.
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